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Win Audit

PC audit and software, licenses, security configuration, hardware inventory.


"PC auditing and software, licenses, security configuration, hardware inventory."
runterload.de Editor: WinAudit easy to use, no special knowledge is required to use the program. It is a self-needs no setup or configuration contained a single file. Run on a floppy disk or USB stick. Just double-clicking on the program and you can download. If possible, the language will start automatically WinAudit user interface translations by many people gentle, contributed.

Program in almost every area of computer inventory and configuration reports. Web page displaying the results format, for ease of viewing and text searching is classified. Whether interest software compatibility, hardware inventory, technical support, security or just plain worry that, WinAudit it all. Program with advanced features such as service tag detection hard-drive failure diagnosis, process mapping, network connection speed, system availability statistics as well as Windows update and firewall settings, network port.

You can also use commercial applications WinAudit is free and freely distributed to anyone. What program requires the installation nor the configuration. Its small size and ability to create a formatted e-mails just about any Windows-based personal computer control means. Now you can free download Win Control 2.27.

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